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Current team


Julio Ernesto Baumgarten


Biologist and Master in Ecology from the University of Brasília, he did his Ph.D. at the University of Campinas. He is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Biological Sciences at the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC). He is a researcher at the Applied Ecology & Conservation Lab at UESC where he works in several projects for the conservation of forests and marine species. His involvement with cetacean research began shortly after joining UESC. He works as a Master and Ph.D. advisor for works with cetaceans by the Ecology and Conservation Biology Program at UESC and is one of the Coordinators of Whales from the Hill.

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Maria Isabel Carvalho Gonçalves


Marine biologist with a master's degree in Marine Sciences - Marine Resources (University of Porto - Portugal) and Ph.D. in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation (State University of Santa Cruz - UESC). Since 2007 Isabel is working with cetaceans, initially focusing on studies of dolphins behavior, then she worked as marine mammal observer on seismic vessels until 2013 she started her Ph.D. to start visual and acoustic monitoring of humpback whales in Serra Grande, where until today she is Project Manager of Whales from the Hill. She is also working as a Post-Doc researcher at UESC, having interest in the areas of Behavior, Bioacoustics, and Cetacean Conservation.


Bianca Machado Righi


Graduated in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Rio Grande and she is finishing her master’s degree in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation at the State University of Santa Cruz, where she assesses the habitat use of humpback whales between two areas with contrasting bathymetric features on the Brazilian Coast (Serra Grande and Abrolhos Archipelago) through visual monitoring from land-based stations, and in partnership with the Humpback Whale Institute. Bianca also participated in other surveys using land-based stations for observation of the southern right whale. Currently, she participates in a project that monitors the Guiana dolphin in a Port from a land-based station, vessels and acoustic surveys.


Mariana Silva Campelo


Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC), currently a master’s student in the Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation Program at the same institution. She started her studies with marine mammals in 2014 when she was a volunteer of Whales from the Hill, where she still participates. Between 2017 and 2018, she participated in the Spinner Dolphin Project developing visual observations on the behavior of spinner dolphins in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Currently, she develops studies with the singing behavior of humpback whale males in Serra Grande. She has experience in visual, behavioral and bioacoustics studies of marine mammals.


Naiane Gonçalves da Silva


Student of Veterinary Medicine at the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC), where she participates in the Study Group of Wild Animals and is a member of Whales from the Hill developing her project on the aerial behaviors of humpback whales in the Serra Grande. She is particularly interested in the areas of Environmental Education and Ecology and Conservation of marine wild animals.


Tamires Fernandes de Oliveira


Biologist and Specialist in Science Education from the University State of Rio de Janeiro. She has been working with cetaceans since 2014 when she developed research about the diet of Guiana dolphin in Guanabara Bay. During the specialization, she investigated how cetaceans are approached in didactic books of Middle School. She has been a member of Whales from the Hill since 2019 when she started her master’s in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation at the State University of Santa Cruz. In her current research, she seeks to describe the Acoustic Landscape of the region of Serra Grande.


Fernanda Assef Sallit Tonolli


Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo (2009) and a master’s degree in Zoology from State University of Santa Cruz (2013). She has experience in ecology and conservation, focusing mainly on aquatic mammals. Her Master dissertation was done with the franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei), the most threatened cetacean of the Western South Atlantic. She was one of the founders of the IOS Whale Watching, conducting observations of humpback whales between 2016 and 2018 in Ilhéus. She has been participated in Whales from the Hill since 2018, being responsible for tabulation and analysis of habitat use and movement data of humpback whales.

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