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Daniel Danilewicz Schiavon

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and a master’s and Ph.D. in Biosciences (Zoology) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. He is a research of the Aquatic Mammals Study Group of Rio Grande do Sul and Aqualie Institute and is also a collaborating researcher of Whales from the Hill. He has experience in coordinating research with aerial monitoring of marine mammals and sea turtles, conservation and management of small cetaceans and interactions with fishing, satellite telemetry of cetaceans and life history of marine mammals.

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Edson Aparecido Vieira Filho

Graduated in Biological Sciences, Master and Ph.D. in Ecology by State University of Campinas. He develops his research in the area of Community Ecology using experimental approaches to investigate how different processes affect the organization and diversity of benthic communities throughout the succession, considering susceptibility to exotic species and global changes. He is currently a postdoctoral Researcher at the Graduate Program in Ecology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, working in research in the field of marine ecology and global changes, and scientific dissemination and citizen science using social media through the platform #DeOlhoNosCorais and citizen monitoring in reef environments.

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Ligia Gallozzi Mendes Andrade

Biologist and specialist in Environmental Management from the Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture (University of São Paulo) and Art-educator. She spent 10 years working with environmental education in a private conservation unit in southern Bahia. In 2017 she discovered the art of storytelling and created the character Fada Dália. In 2019, she started collaborating with Whales from the Hill, elaborating and presenting reinterpretations and adaptations of stories that contribute to the community's awareness regarding the conservation of humpback whales, their habitat and associated ecosystems. Currently, she works as an art educator and storyteller with an interest in Environmental Education.

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Linilson Rodrigues Padovese

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP), has a Master in Mechanics from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France) and Mechanical Engineering from USP, and Ph.D. in Mechanics from the Université Joseph Fourier (France). At present, he is an Associate Professor at the Engineering School at the University of São Paulo developing research activities in the area of Bioacoustics and Underwater Acoustics and coordinates the Acoustic and Environment Laboratory at the same institution. He is a researcher collaborator of Whales from the Hill since its beginning, contributing to passive acoustic monitoring activities and research on acoustics with the acquisition and analysis of acoustic records.

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Maria Emilia Morete

Biologist and has been working with whales for over 20 years. She developed the land-based observation studies in Abrolhos in 1996 when working in the Humpback Whale Project, and since then has used this platform to study and admire cetaceans. She performed a Ph.D. at the Ecology Department of the Biosciences Institute of São Paulo University. She is the founder of VIVA Instituto Verde Azul and works with the objective of teaching people about whales, dolphins and the threats they suffer. Nowadays, together with VIVA team, they develop research with cetaceans in the region of Ilhabela (São Paulo), perform works with Environmental Education and scientific dissemination.

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Niel Nascimento Teixeira

Surveyor Engineer and Ph.D. in Geodetic Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná. He is currently a Full Professor at the State University of Santa Cruz. He is a Leader of the Research group: Geodetic Positioning and has experience in Surveying Engineering, with an emphasis on Topography and Geodesy. He is a researcher collaborating with Whales from the Hill, assisting with data collection during visual monitoring and data processing.


Renata Santoro Sousa-Lima

Biologist graduated in Biological Sciences with a Master's in Ecology, both from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, and obtained a Ph.D. in Zoology from Cornell University (USA). She is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and responsible for the Bioacoustics Laboratory at the same institution. She has experience in Zoology and Ecology, with an emphasis on species behavior and conservation. Since 1999 she has been conducting bioacoustics studies with humpback whales in Abrolhos and has been involved in Whales from the Hill since its foundation.

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Renato de Mei Romero

Biologist graduated from Paulista State University, he completed his master’s degree at the State University of Santa Cruz working in the areas of zoology and conservation of sea turtles. He attended the Ph.D. in Animal Biology studying freshwater aquatic organisms from the Brazilian Cerrado and Post-doc in Conservation. Currently, he is a Professor of technical, technological and professional master's courses at the Federal Institute of Alagoas. He is interested in topics such as Ecology, Conservation, and Education, where he teaches classes, conducts research and produces content of environmental interest. He is writing a children's book together with our Project.

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Stella Tomás Silva

Biologist graduated from the State University of Santa Cruz and Master in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development by the Ecological Research Institute. She has participated in research in the Atlantic Forest, in the Amazon and in marine environments, and currently has focused her research on reproductive ecology and biodiversity conservation. She is the general coordinator of "Projeto (a)mar", developing activities for the conservation and monitoring of coastal-marine biodiversity and environmental education on the southern coast of Bahia. She has been a collaborator of Whales from the Hill since its beginning, participating in field and environmental awareness activities. She is also an artisan and created the project mascot “Jubão”.

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